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Balance Disorders and Dizziness Services

Balance disorders and dizziness are often associated with problems affecting the ear. At High Level Speech & Hearing Center, we provide comprehensive dizziness services to diagnose these issues and help ensure the appropriate treatment for our patients.

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What Causes Dizziness and Balance Issues?


When you or a loved one experiences dizziness, frequent falls, or a lack of coordination, you may find that you're also limited in mobility, function, and quality of life. Diagnosing the cause of dizziness can be a challenge. It may be caused by head injuries, panic or anxiety disorders, use of certain medications, or conditions such as hypoglycemia and anemia. Sometimes, issues with the auditory system can also cause balance issues or dizziness. These conditions can include the following:

  • Acoustic neuroma: This condition is characterized by a tumor that affects the balance nerves. It can cause vertigo and other balance-related symptoms.

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): Loose crystals in the inner ear, which can result in spinning sensations when the individual moves his or her head, can cause BPPV. This condition is easily treatable.

  • Fluid in the middle ear: Fluid accumulation in the middle ear may result in vertigo and balancing problems.

  • Meniere's disease: This condition affects the inner ear and can cause recurrent vertigo in addition to tinnitus and hearing loss.

  • Middle ear infection: An infection of the middle ear can affect balance and cause dizzy feelings.

  • Vestibular neuritis: This is caused by inflammation in the inner ear, which can cause the sensation of spinning.


If your auditory system is the cause of your dizziness or balance issues, our fall prevention therapies and treatments for dizziness and vertigo may help relieve these issues.

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What Dizziness and Balance Treatments Are Available?

When patients visit us with balance and dizziness issues, we start with a diagnostic VNG test. Officially known as videonystagmography (VNG), this test uses advanced technology to detect diseases, injuries, infections, and genetic abnormalities that affect the inner and middle ear as well as the rest of the balance system. This state-of-the-art equipment helps identify issues that could be causing your symptoms. Common treatments include the following:

The High Level Team Can Help

Vertigo and frequent bouts of dizziness can significantly impact your quality of life. If you're struggling with dizziness or balance issues, call the High Level Speech & Hearing Center office or use our online scheduler.

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