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The Hearing Impact of Meniere's Disease

At High Level Speech & Hearing Center, we treat a wide range of conditions and diseases that affect hearing and balance. This includes management of Meniere's disease, a chronic condition associated with hearing loss and vertigo.

Image by Nik Shuliahin

What Is Meniere's Disease?


Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear affecting more than 600,000 individuals in the United States, according to the American Hearing Research Foundation, with approximately 45,000 new cases diagnosed every year. The Mayo Clinic reports Meniere's disease can occur at any age, but is most common among young and middle-aged adults. Although no cure currently exists for Meniere's disease, treatments can help relieve symptoms and minimize its overall impact on your life.


​What Causes Meniere's Disease?


Researchers are not sure why some people develop this inner ear condition. They believe it develops from an abnormal amount of fluid within the inner ear, caused by an infection, improper immune response, poor drainage, or simply genetics.


What Are the Signs of Meniere's Disease?


Meniere's disease is characterized by these symptoms:

  • Hearing loss

  • Recurring vertigo

  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

  • A feeling of fullness in the ears


When Should I See a Doctor?


​​If you experience the symptoms described above or other sensations that impact your hearing, contact our office for an appointment. We can provide comprehensive diagnostic services as well as treatment for Meniere's disease and other underlying conditions.

Woman & Doctor

Meniere's disease is a serious, potentially life-altering condition that requires advanced medical treatment and therapy. Our mission at High Level Speech & Hearing is to keep your hearing and balance healthy by providing the resources you need to remain active regardless of this type of diagnosis. Treatment starts with a comprehensive evaluation of the inner ear function and a recommendation of the best amplification device to mitigate the difficulties that result from Meniere's disease. In addition to therapy for Meniere's disease, High Level Speech & Hearing offers comprehensive speech, hearing, and dizziness services, including:

Custom ear impressions

Noise level monitoring

What Meniere's Disease Treatments Are Available at High Level Speech & Hearing?​


Otoacoustic emissions testing

Computer-based audiometry


Treatments for balance issues, vertigo, and dizziness, including Meniere's Disease

If you've been experiencing symptoms of Meniere's disease, call our office or use our online scheduler to book a hearing assessment at our Uptown or Harahan location.

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