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  • Writer's pictureLana Joseph

How Telemedicine Works During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for hospitals and patients alike to embrace telemedicine. At High Level Speech & Hearing Center, we use telemedicine to ensure that our patients can still access our hearing and speech specialists from home. But how exactly does telemedicine work? Learn more about what will likely be a major tool for the foreseeable future for healthcare professionals.

How a Telemedicine Appointment Works

A person typing on a laptop

While telemedicine may sound like it's limited strictly to appointments held over the phone, this service covers many remote healthcare services. This can connect you to medical providers without needing to be in a healthcare facility by using video chats, emails, and text messages. All you need is internet access or a cellphone.

There are two ways in which you can receive speech and hearing services from our professionals.

Virtual Appointments

These are our teletherapy appointments. They are like regular appointments, but in this case, you sit in front of a camera and can see yourself and your health care provider on the screen once your session begins, similar to FaceTime. These can be held either with a smartphone or a computer. The services we offer through virtual appointments include:

  • Speech evaluations

  • Speech therapy

  • Hearing aid consultations

  • Vestibular rehabilitation therapy

  • A Patient Portal

Our patient portal lets you send and receive emails from your provider, ask for prescription refills, and schedule appointments. If there is other information you need, like test results, they can be shared here as well.

Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Telemedicine

Before scheduling your teletherapy appointment, keep some of these tips in mind:

  • Prepare yourself by writing down your symptoms, the medicines you may have taken, and any other questions you may want to ask your doctor.

  • Identify the area in your home with the strongest Wi-Fi signal. You should have a backup plan in case your internet connection drops mid-appointment.

Just like a regular doctor's appointment, we will ensure that your teletherapy appointment is private and confidential.

At High Level Speech & Hearing Center, we strive to create a healthier, happier, better-educated community here in the Greater New Orleans area. We encourage you to book an appointment with us today. This will help ensure that our families stay healthy and safe during these times.

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